Connection Through Service
Appropriately much has been made of the loss caused as a result of the coronavirus. This is especially pertinent for those suffering from the virus and those who have lost someone as a result. In addition, social media is coursing with lament related to the lost way of life that has occurred as a result of the quarantine. This is understandable given the way this crisis has been framed. Watching coverage of this unprecedented time in our lives, I have the sense that fear, uncertainty, frustration and anger are the only merited responses to the pandemic. Yet this has not been my experience.
Perhaps it is because I have been busy making meals. Thanks to many of you, our operation is sustaining our team and is working to feed hundreds of people a week with a portion being donated the FAUQUIER FRESH program and others. I am struck by the generosity, the creativity, the concern and the community spirit that is being displayed.
The media focus might be on what is lost, what is limited - like the shortage of toilet paper - but there is no shortage of goodwill. There is no shortage of kindness, gratitude, and love. These are ever-abundant, inexhaustible resources that we connect to every time we serve someone. So if loss is hitting you particularly hard, if the distance from others has made you feel less connected, consider serving. Make tea or coffee for someone who is staying in place with you. Put out some bird seed and revel in the Spring song that will be returned. Be of service and you will find connection.
I bear witness to this reality daily. A local church recently purchased meals for hospital workers and a local winery brought lunch to law enforcement to thank them for being of service. Serve and be served. There is nothing to be lost in this exchange, only gained. This is the manner in which we are and will always remain connected.